Background: I've successfully used LedControl with 7-segment 8-digit LED displays on the Arduino Uno, but now that I'm going to the MKR … bucket\u0027s pj Problem: When I include LedControl.h (or even LedController.hpp) in a sketch, I get 200 pages of warnings from the compiler. Download LED Control 2.05 - Control RGB LED lights using this simple application that lets you configure manual settings as well as automatic mode (fading speed and brightness)Īrduino Max7219 Led Matrix Display Tutorial - InstructablesĬontrolling 8x8 Dot Matrix with Max7219 and Arduino.where do I find "LedControl.h" Using Arduino Installation & Troubleshooting colincolin January 27, 2020, 5:14am 1 Hi Everyone, A number of sketches I have … bucket\u0027s p7.