You will then find your Mac address at the top of the screen. Next, click on Advanced Settings and then Hardware.

To find your Mac address on your Macbook, go to System Preferences, click on Network, and then select WiFi. If you don’t know what a MAC address is or how to find it on your MacBook, you will after reading this article. We’ll get into exactly what this address is and how to find it in this article. But what about a MAC address? Sounds like the address of where your MacBook lives? It’s not. Some of these you may have heard of before like a web address or even an IP address. On your computer and within the realm of the internet there are multiple addresses that exist to identify different sorts of things. Or the family farm or where you sleep at night, either… And I’m not talking about where you send letters to your Grandmother for Valentine’s day here. In the world of modern-day technology, there are many different addresses. As an Amazon Associate, We earn a commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.