When prompted by macOS, confirm that you want to launch the application even though the developer cannot be confirmed. Ctrl + click on StoryboardPro and select Open. Double-click on Applications, then on Toon Boom Storyboard Pro 6. 4200 St-Laurent Blvd, Suite 1020 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2W 2R2. Learn at your own pace, test your skills, and earn badges. If you want to improve your skills on Toon Boom software, you can take courses on Harmony and Storyboard Pro for free. When importing a sequence for conformation, if a file is missing, a dialog prompt will indicate the name of the file and its expected location, and will prompt you to choose between skipping the file, skipping all missing files or to browsing for the file.

Here is the list of changes in Storyboard Pro 6.0.4, build 14.6 (): Enhancements Fixed Issues Enhancements.